I'm 5 ft 2 and fat, and I want to thank you for never calling me pretty. Because I'm so much more than that. I say my ocean spirit animal is a manatee. They're fat, misunderstood, and kind of awkward. Sailors used to mistake them for mermaids when they saw them swimming along beside their ships. Manatees aren't pretty, they are freaken majestic! They are magical in their misunderstoodness (I know that's probably not a word, but just go with me). Manatees used to be mistaken for MERMAIDS! Do you understand that? These fat, slightly awkward but never pretty creatures used to be mistaken for what is often considered a gorgeous mythical creature. Sailors loved them because they were a source of happiness; they thought they were entertaining, gentle, and kind... Not pretty.
I'm not pretty. I'm intelligent. I'm brave. I'm kind. I'm gentle. I'm a good listener and a good friend. I'm cute, funny, awkward, adorable, and precious, but I'm also freaking fabulous. I'm not simply pretty, I'm gorgeous in my own right. The one people don't also see the beauty in at first because there are other things I demand you must take notice of. I'm not defined by a 6 letter word. I'm not what the media defines as attractive, I'm not a model, I'm not a size 2. I'm not pretty, and I thank God I'm not, because I'm so much more than that!