It's the last day of March!!! My goodness, has the month flown! This month has been filled with some crazy ups, some slight downs, and a few fun holidays. I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not, but I like super love me some holidays. A couple of weeks ago we celebrated Easter, and before that we had St. Patrick's Day. While I'm not Catholic, I am a Christian, and I love these two holidays. This post though, is dedicated to the good ole green one. While I firmly believe Easter is a very important and sacred holiday, I want to discuss St. Patrick's Day (and since it's my blog, I think I shall).
If you have grown up in the USA, Ireland, or the UK, then I'm going to assume you probably have a pretty good idea what this holiday is about, but just in case you aren't sure what the beautiful holiday is about, then this is a pretty good brief history.
I go crazy on St. Patrick's Day. I deck out in my green, and honestly the day just fills me with joy. My friends think I'm crazy, but I think there are just so many reasons to love the holiday and so, in my normal style, I would now like to present you with a list of why St. Patrick's day is an absolutely wonderful and lovely day (in my humble opinion):
- Everything is Green!!!! I love green. It is one of my favorite colours and so often under appreciated and I just kind of love how everything gets covered in it on this day. Traditionally in Ireland, as far as I have read, green represoented the Catholics, Orange the Protestants, and the white on the Irish flag is the unity between the two. However, here in the US, pretty much everyone just flows with the green and I'm kind of a fan.
- Ireland is beautiful. I've never gotten to visit the lovely Eire myself, but I love Ireland. I love the country, I love the people, I love the landscapes I have seen pictures of, and I love the history!
- It's a part of who I am. America is, or has, been known as the melting pot, and this is so true for my family. While I'm not exactly diverse looking, my ancestry is a mix of nations. I'm blessed enough to have an aunt who is incredibly interested in our family history and has traced it back hundreds of years. The story goes that we have at least one ancestor that lived in Ireland. She became known as Fanny when she came to the US, because no one could pronounce her actual name. She had gone down to see the ships come into harbor one day in Ireland, and she was kidnapped and brought to America and sold off. As a servant, a maid, a wife, I'm not entirely sure, but as tragic as the story is I wouldn't be here without her. So, I see her life alone as reason to celebrate Ireland.
- I have this super cool friend that is a competitive Irish dancer and this is a day when we both get to be extra geeky and proud. Irish dancing is incredible! If you are interested at all, then I highly suggest the documentary Jig, as a way to dip your toes into the unbelievable culture. Irish Dancers kick butt, and I am forever amazed and awed when I watch them perform. St. Patrick's Day is one guaranteed to be showing off the dancers, and while I know it probably wears them out, I think it's so awesome that they receive the exposure and appreciation they deserve.
- The reason for the holiday. Like I said, I'm not Catholic, nor am I directly from Ireland. St. Patrick and his story most likely don't directly affect me. However, as a Christian, I am awed by his tale. Essentially he was a missionary, and he is basically fully credited with bring Christianity to Ireland! I have a big heart for missions. It's something I'm super passionate about, and fully support. I think I'm kind of in love with the idea that so many people celebrate St. Patrick and therefore keep sharing him and what he did through out history, even though so many probably don't understand. Most people in the US basically see the day as an excuse to drink green beer and party, but as long as they are celebrating then there are others questioning what the day is actually about and the stories get told, and I think that is indescribable. While Easter followed St. Patrick's day quite closely, and on that day us Christians celebrate some one and something so much more amazing to our world and to Christianity then little ole St. Patrick, I still am glad we celebrate him and perhaps through him other missionaries throughout all the world and all time.
If you couldn't tell, I really love this day. And, just as a little bonus, I thought I would include some pictures I took of the lovely day.
I would just like to share that I legit set up a whole gnome photo shoot for this. I was super proud, extremely excited, and kind of freaking my friends out. I really like gnomes.
I'm aware that this is not a very great, nor is it a flattering picture, but I was so proud of myself for getting my socks in the picture that I don't even care. Look at that outfit!!!
All decorations (and socks) bought at Hobby Lobby.
I hope you were able to enjoy the holidays this past month. Did you do anything exciting? Do you have a favorite holiday? I would love to know! Thanks for spending time on me!