Sunday, February 28, 2016


When I was in middle school I had a "best" friend. I thought she was really cool and funny and thought she enjoyed being around me too. One day I started to walk into the bathroom at a drama camp we were both at to hear her telling someone else how she thought I was super annoying, not talented, and wished I hadn't signed up for the camp. Let me repeat, this was in MIDDLE SCHOOL. I'm in college, and I can still remember this particular event. For years it's what lead me to constantly ask my friends "Am I getting on your nerves?", "If I'm annoying you can just to tell me okay?", "You promise you don't think I'm obnoxious?". 

I'm going to be honest, even now I catch myself pretty frequently asking similar questions, or "Are you mad at me? Have I upset you?". I basically constantly fear that my friends don't want to be around me. I trick myself into believing they are doing it out of obligation, not out of want. I tell myself lies such as "They don't actually want you to come to..", "You're a crappy friend.", "They are only hanging out with you because of pity.", and many other various harsh variations. I get nervous asking friends to do things with me. I feel like my text to them are obnoxious. I doubt if they actually meant to invite me to things, and I worry about what they say when I'm not around.

I know I shouldn't be so insecure because of what a silly middle school girl said to me years ago. But, I also battle an anxiety disorder. There for a lot of times I know the thoughts I have regarding my friendships probably have no sound reasoning, but I can't always make them go away. My anxiety amplifies my insecurities and it can be a lot to handle. I often need reassurance from my friends that they like me and want to spend time with me, which is a big request to make from even your closest of friends. Thankfully most of my friends understand that this is something I struggle with, and so they are pretty cool with it. That doesn't make it disappear, but it does make it easier to handle.

Partially because of my anxiety, I'm not always the most dependable and I tend to bail. I'm easily overwhelmed by large groups, new places, or new experiences and I don't always follow through. On bad days, or days when I'm stressed out, I really get lost in my own head and I can seem kind of moody. That also happens if there is simply something I'm thinking about such as a story I was reading, homework I need to do at some point, or what I'm going to cook later. I often worry about annoying people if I text them, so I'm not always good at staying in contact with people. I'm pretty sarcastic, and can come off as kind of mean because of this (which is something that I'm honestly trying to work on, just not always something I catch until it's too late). I can be a handful, but can't we all?  I love deeply, I care a lot about my friends, and I really enjoy spending time with them, so why can't I believe they feel the same way towards me?

It's improving. I've gotten better, more confident and assured as I've gotten older. I have a couple friends I almost never worry about, and that number continues to grow and the worries get smaller. I'm more in control of my anxiety and I'm pretty self aware, but the reason I wanted to share all this (and believe me it was not an easy decision) is because it's hard to deal with. I know I'm not the only one that has some of the struggles. I hope that maybe by sharing how I feel, others might feel less alone, or like they can better understand themselves. But, I also want to share some of my feelings, and what can help me. If you are like me, maybe you will find some comfort, and if you have a friend like me, maybe you will find some understanding. 
  1. I'm aware that my constant questions about being annoying or making you mad, might in fact annoy your or make you mad. But I need reassurance sometimes, and a simple "No, you never annoy me." or "I enjoy being around you." can really change my mood.
  2. I don't want to bail on you. In fact, I'm worried that because I said no to something you will never ask me to do anything again, but for whatever reason I don't feel like I can handle this event. Ask me anyways. Invite me again. Don't force me, or guilt trip me, but let me know you would like for me to come but understand if I don't. I promise I will say yes to something one day, and I will have an amazing time with you.
  3. If I am being ridiculous, obnoxious, or mean, please let me know. If I have upset you, or offended you, let's discuss it. I have literally lost sleep over not knowing why a friend seemed frustrated with me. I won't get mad if you kindly call me out, because if I realize later that I did something then I will worry much longer that you resent me for it.
  4. If you don't hear from me for awhile, hit me up. Chances are, I've been thinking a lot about you, but haven't worked up enough courage to send you a text.
  5. When I seem spaced out, not present for a while, or maybe a bit down, please don't take it personally. I get really caught up in my own head sometimes. I'm probably not mad at you or anything, in fact I'm probably just replaying something I said or did or playing out future conversation in my head. I overthink too much. 
  6. I don't want to be this way. If I could just stop it, I would. Please be patient with me. Please don't give up. I can be a really good friend, I just need to know you're in it for the long run.
  7. Know that when I tell you I love you, or that I enjoy spending time with you, I really mean it. I'm not always the most trusting, but if you matter to me then I try really hard to let you know. Just know it's not a silly compliment I'm throwing around, but something I honestly mean.
  8. I appreciate you putting up with me. Like the previous number stated, I really value those that I love. I know I'm not always the easiest one to be friends with. On the opposite side, I know some of my friends that read this might not see all that I'm talking about. A lot of my struggle is in my head, and you might not always be aware, but I value you either way.
Spend time with your friends. Let them know you appreciate them. Everyone likes a reminder that they are important to others, and you can never love too much. I'm not sure if this post will help anyone else, but I genuinely hope it does. This post was especially difficult for me, but it's something that's been on my mind for awhile so there you go. Thanks!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


When I first decided to do a post on Valentine's Day I planned to make it all about self love and appreciation, cheers to being single, and how I was going to be my own Valentine this year. I wanted to start with an introduction praising my Valentine for being funny, smart, sweet, and sexy and then hit with the shocker that my Valentine this year is me. I was going to talk about how I refuse to be upset that I'm single on Valentine's Day and how great it is that I can treat myself on such a day. I wanted to talk about being a strong independent woman; maybe even share the story I told my campers this summer of the princess that didn't need saving! I wanted to explain how I firmly believe that until you love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to love you? I wanted to share my theory on finding yourself, falling in love with who you are, and then finding someone that just adds to the greatness that already exists! I wanted other young single women to read my post and feel inspired and uplifted. 
And all that is true and awesome and wonderful... Except it's not the full story of how I feel. Because you see, while I am a strong independent women who doesn't NEED a man, I still want one. While I have had an amazing two days hanging out with other single girls and celebrating Valentine's Day by being cool with being single, I still would have preferred a date. While I believe I'm one of the funniest people I know, and I have days where I can and do acknowledge that I'm intelligent, kind, and beautiful in my own way, I also have days where I'm not the biggest fan of myself. Sometimes it's hard to find my worth. Sometimes I hate being single. Sometimes I see couples and I long for what they have that I haven't ever experienced. And, here is the real kicker, feeling all that is completely okay!
I don't know if I will ever fall in love with someone. I don't know if I will have the cute relationship, the hard times, the wedding of my dreams, and a long life with someone I love who also loves me back. There are moments where I hate not knowing that. There are times when I fear that I will never meet someone that loves me for me, get married, and have the 8 kids I want. It's terrifying not knowing. It sucks to be in college and never have been kissed, or been asked on a date. To see your friends, the people you've grown up with, fall in love, get married, have kids, sharing a life with someone, and not doing it yourself can be a bit depressing.
AND THAT'S OKAY!!! Because, here is the deal. These desires, the longings, and the wants are natural. It is human nature to want to fall in love and start a family. It's normal to see everyone else further along than you and be a little freaked out. It's fine to aspire to love and be loved. Love is a wonderful thing!!! The issue is when you can't find the balance. I would love to fall in love, but that doesn't mean I'm going to, and I'm learning to acknowledge that. I have amazing friends, a wonderful family, big dreams, and career goals (sorta), and I'm not going to give all that up. I'm not putting my life on hold while I wait for someone. I'm not planning my life around the "could be's". I really am finding myself, and learning to fall in love with who I am, but I'm also accepting that sometimes you can't control all of your feelings.
The guy I have been crushing on for a couple years is in a semi-official relationship (in case you haven't picked up on it, it's not with me), and I keep seeing the lucky girl every freaken where I go. It sorta sucks. I'm kind of happy for them, while also feeling like my heart is breaking in two every time I think about it. The worst part, though, is the frustration I have been feeling for myself for feeling that way. I've invested two years of thoughts, feelings, hopes, and way too many conversations into this fellow, and yet I expect myself to just not care? That's unrealistic. If I was able to just stop all the emotions toward him, then I probably never felt anything real in the first place. There is that quote that says "It's better to have loved and lost then never have loved at all" and while I wouldn't say I was in love with him, I kinda get where the quote is heading. I would prefer to have never had feelings for a guy I will never have, but I also recognize that one of the miraculous parts of being a human is feelings, emotions, and relationships on all levels, and I'm glad I get to experience that. 
I know this post is sorta long, and kind of all over the place, but I really do have a point. I think it's important to love yourself. You need to know who you are, what you believe, and like yourself before you can really invest in others or accept their investments in you (and that goes for all types of relationships). I think it's okay to be single on Valentine's Day, and that celebrating yourself and your friends is awesome, but I also think it's okay to not want to be single. There is no need to be ashamed of who you are and how you feel, and that means owning up to all your emotions (the good, bad, and undesirable). I know that I have friends and family that love me. I believe I have a heavenly Father that sees me and loves me, and that is too great of a thing to put into words. I know great things can happen in my life; I want to seek after all I can; I refuse to put my life on hold waiting for what may never come in the way I want; but that doesn't mean I can't still want a man to fall in love with. Fall in love with yourself, but never stop feeling what you are feeling.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


Yesterday I let the roommate convince me to accompany her to the gym. For her it was butt day, BUT for me it was basically torture. However, at the end of it I decided there are too many great butt songs in this world to not have a play list for the next time I decide to venture into a fitness center with her. So, here I present to you, my ultimate:
 Big Booty: Butt Appreciation Playlist

                                                 1. "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-A-Lot
                                        2. "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" by Trace Adkins

3. "Fat Bottomed Girls" by Queen 

(The Glee version of this is one of my favorites!)

4. "Bootylicious" by Desiny's Child
5. "No Hands" by Waka Flocka
6. "Anaconda" Nicki Minaj
7. "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor

8. "Ms. New Booty" by Bubba

9. "Lose Control" by Missy Elliot
10."Wiggle" by Jason Derulo ft Snoop Dog

11. "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira

(Okay, so this one isn't technically about Butts, but it's close enough!)

12. "Thong Song" by Sisqo
13. "My Humps" by the Black Eyed Peas
14. "Low" by Flo Rida
15. "Booty" by Jennifer Lopez ft. Iggy Azalea
16. "Mamma do the Hump" by Rizzle Kicks

There you go, 16 fun songs to enjoy while working on your booty!